
《浙江水利水电学院学报》(图)   水利水电工程   河口与海岸工程   2016-03-25

《浙江水利水电学院学报》是浙江水利水电学院主办的综合性自然科学的技术类学术刊物。双月刊。国际标准刊号 ISSN 2095-7092,国内统一刊号CN 33-1385/TK,国内外公开发行。《学报》的读者面向全国水利、电力、建筑、交通、铁路、机械等系统的勘测、设计、科研院所、大专院校、和基层有关工程管理、经营单位以及全国各省市公共图书馆和情报信息机构,并科...

《Water Resources》   Water Resources   2014-01-17

Water Resources (Vodnye Resursy) was founded in 1972 to present materials on the assessment of water resources, integrated waterresource use, water quality, and environmental pro...

《Soil and Water Resear...   Soil and Water Research   2014-01-17

original papers, short communications and critical reviews from all fields of science and engineering related to soil and water and their interactions in natural and man-modified...

《International Journal...   International Journal of Sediment Research   IRTCES   2014-01-17

The International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES) was jointly set up by the Government of China and UNESCO on July 21, 1984, in Beijing, China....

《China Ocean Engineeri...   China Ocean Engineering   2014-01-17

Sponsored by Chinese Ocean Engineering Society, edited by Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, and published by China Ocean Press, China Ocean Engineering started publication in...

《Lake and Reservoir Ma...   Lake and Reservoir Management   NALMS   2014-01-17

The North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) was founded in 1980 at the third gathering of lake scientists in Portland, Maine. Two previous gatherings in Madison, WI and Mi...


The African Journal of Aquatic Science is an international journal devoted to the study of the aquatic sciences, covering all African inland and estuarine waters. The Journal pub...


Die Zeitschrift Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung (HyWa) ist eine deutschsprachige Fachzeitschrift, die Themen der Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft umfassend behandelt. Sie bie...

《Natural Hazards Revie...   Natural Hazards Review   physical world   the constructed environment   character of the societies   2014-01-17

The Natural Hazards Review stands on the realization that natural disaster losses result from interactions between the physical world, the constructed environment, and the charac...

《Desalination and Wate...   Desalination and Water Treatment   thirsty population   supply water   2014-01-17

Due to the galloping growth of the desalination field to help supply water to an exploding active thirsty population, there has been a surge in the number of scientists and engin...

《Water Sa》   Water Sa   WRC   2014-01-17

Water SA is the WRC’s accredited scientific journal which contains original research articles and review articles on all aspects of water science, technology, engineering and pol...

《The Journal of Irriga...   The Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering   2014-01-17

The Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems enginee...

《International Journal...   International Journal of Water Resources Development   Civil   Environmental   Geotechnical Engineering   2014-01-17

Civil, Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering; Development Geography; Development Studies; Earth Sciences; Earth Sciences; Engineering & Technology; Environment & Resources; ...

《International Journal...   International Journal of Water   2014-01-17

he objective of IJW is to establish an effective forum for insights and communication between policy-makers, government agencies, citizens, consumer bodies, industry, public auth...

《Grundwasser...   Grundwasser   internationale   deutschsprachige Zeitschrift   2014-01-17

Grundwasser ist eine internationale, deutschsprachige Zeitschrift f黵 Themen, die das unterirdische Wasser betreffen. Sie bietet ein Forum zur Ver鰂fentlichung aktueller Entwicklun...

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